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Lake Charles is where our story begins. Pastor Charles White was born and raised here and although he has been away for nearly 17 years, Lake Charles has always been close to his heart and a place he could call HOME. 


The fall of 1997 on McNeese State University’s campus is where he and Pastor Tiffany met.  Pastor Tiffany, who is a native of Beaumont, TX founded the university’s Gospel Choir, in which Pastor Charles was one of their faithful musicians.  Evangelizing the college campus the choir quickly became the largest organization on campus with over 200 members. After marrying and working together in various cities,Pastors Charles and Tiffany had no idea that God would call them back to Lake Charles where it all began.  


Answering the call, Pastor Charles and Tiffany moved their family from Houston, TX to Lake Charles in June 2015.  The love for this city and the people here has grown and we recognize that the need for life-giving relationship with Jesus and each other is great. With this passion, we pursued to launch Lake City Church.


With the help of the Dream Team—21 people committed to seeing this dream become a reality—Lake City Church began on September 18, 2016. That first Sunday, over 250 attended at the Hamilton Christian Academy.


God has given us a clear vision for the city and the people.  We want to help others who have God-given dreams, go beyond the limits and make those dreams a reality.  We are excited about creating a safe place for our families to encounter God and grow in relationship with one another. We are firm believers that Life was never meant to be lived alone. It is our passion to help the people of this city know that there is HOPE through Jesus Christ.  If you are in need of a great church, we invite you to come check us out. We want to do life with you.


We are bringing life to the lake.



Our core values speak to both the passions and the mission of our church. We are dedicated to fulfilling the great commission of the universal church and the specific vision of our local church. Our core values are the parameters that help us measure our consistency in the vison of Lake City Church and help us remain focus on the effective ways to impact our community for God's glory

We Make Jesus Famous.

In everything we do, Jesus will be glorified.


We Believe Big and Start Small.

We dream like it depends on God, and we work like it depends on us.


We Pray About Everything and Worry About Nothing.

We lead our lives and our church with prayer, trusting in God’s plan and His promises.


We Worship God Unashamedly.

We live to honor God with our time, talent and treasure.


We Don’t Do Life Alone.

We believe that healthy relationships are an important part to a fulfilled life.


We Live Beyond Ourselves.

Generosity towards others demonstrate God’s love for His people and His Character in us. Generosity in our financial giving honors God and supports the vision of His church.


We Are Intentional About Our Future Generation.

In all that we do, we believe in creating opportunities that will build a legacy for the next generation to follow.


We Always Go One Step Beyond.

Excellence honors God and inspires us.


We Are All In The Game.

We are contributors, not consumers.


We Have Fun.

We believe that life is a gift from God and it should be enjoyed to the fullest


Our core




Every Sunday @
9:30am (In-Person) 

Online via FB and Youtube

Every First Wednesday 6:30pm 

Every Saturday @
8:30AM (In-Person) Prayer 


(337) -454-5698

Physical Address
Lake City Church
500 Ste G Broad St
Lake Charles, La 70601

Mailing Address:
2610 Chalet Au Nord 
Suite B
Lake Charles, La 70605

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